Thursday, April 26, 2012

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

It honestly depends on the guy, but for the most part yeah, I like guys with facial hair. Wish I could give ya an explaination why, but I can't I just think its attractive.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?


Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

I don't!Maybe a little goatie thing but that's about it.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

yes mainly b/c it makes them look more mature and makes them look hot.... but not alot of facial hair to look shaggy.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

i like a clean-cut guy but i don't mind a goatee just because some guys grow too much facial hair that it hides their face

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

yeah i do for more reasons than one....babe......

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

No. I don't like facial hair.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

I like the 5 o clock shadow it's just sexy as hell.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

nope hate guys with facial hair esspecially if its all prickly.But then again i break out severly when a man with a beard or mustache comes around me i know weird aint it

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

Either way is fine with me, you guys are the ones that have to wear it.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

it always depends on what the actual person looks like. if you are fat and ugly, then of course not, but if you have the face for it, then go on ahead...

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

Either no hair at all. Or that thing line of hair that outlines the jaw bone. O sexy. lol

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

i like the goat tee! is that how you spell it well you know what i mean!

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

2 words m-kay-mature and hot.

I also like guys with piercings and tattoos.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

It really depends on the guy. Some guys look good with it and some guys don't. My guy does and I love it.... it's sexy on him and now I can't imagine him without it.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

It depends on the guy. Some guys look REALLY good with facial hair while others...not so much.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

I hate facial hair!

Traps food and hides your face.

If you are attractive - why cover up your good looks?

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?


i think its cute

asin really cute!

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO u can have no hair other then armpits legs and top of your head!!!! %26amp; pubic area if its not all out of control!

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

I think guys look hot with a gotee!!! But if you have rough rough facial hair then shave it all....

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

no. it makes him look unkept, and tickles

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

Yeah, so l can shave it off

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

It really just depends! If he is the type that can pull off the grungy kind of look then definitely, but if he can't then no!! clean shaven!!

or when its like a days shadow of hair on a masculine jaw YES!!

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

why?? I don't know, I have always been attracted to guys with mustaches and beards, but they do need to take care of them.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

No, it's too scratchy.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?

Not neccessarily. Depends on the man. My husband has a mustache but is totally adorable without it. Some men May look better with a mustache if they have something to conceal such as a too thin upper lip or a cleft palate etc. And some look more unkempt than others with facial hair. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Women, do you prefer a guy with facial hair, and if so, why?


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