Friday, April 27, 2012

Hair or no hair?

I used to always shave my head, and have been growing it out for a few months, but am starting to find taking care of it to be a hassle (drying time, combing, gel, etc.). However, I have gotten some (though not all) positive comments about it. So, now I come seeking more opinions; which looks better;

Hair ->


no hair->

Also, what about the facial hair? Which combo of hair and facial hair do you think would look best?

Hair or no hair?

i like no hair

facial hair is okay on someone else, but i hate it on my man cuz it's scratchy.

Hair or no hair?

i think that no hair with a little facial hair would be good. not too much facial hair though, that makes you look bad.

Hair or no hair?

i usually prefer guys with hair, but you look better with no hair.

Hair or no hair?

HULIO GO BACK TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair or no hair?

its depend on ur look

Hair or no hair?

How about hair on your head and no facial hair.

Hair or no hair?

My Dad was bald, didn't have to shave it. He said God made some heads perfect, the rest he covered with hair.

I know I can't get away with shaving my head but I do believe you can. Facial hair, toss a coin, if either side wins, I think it would be with the hair. That may come from jealousy though, I grow a VERY sad beard.

Hair or no hair?

WOAH!! no hair or facial hair. you look like two different people in the pictures. you look older in the hair picture, and younger and cleaner in the no hair picture.

Hair or no hair?

I think you would look great with spikes on your head and no facial hair.

Hair or no hair?

You definitely look better with no hair or facial hair. No facial hair makes you look younger and cleaner, it makes your skin look really soft. Hope this helps and good luck deciding =)

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