Friday, April 27, 2012

Why is hair so evil?

Apparently that's what Employer's think. Why do some employers not allow their male employees to have long hair or facial hair. This is very upsetting to me because I enjoy my long hair and my six o' clock shadow. By the way, I don't look like a mess. I am very well groomed; I keep my hair nicely groomed. What is so offensive about facial hair?

Why is hair so evil?

I think that it's all about the image an employer wants to portray. If it's a conservative field then a conservative appearance is desired. Some people can't get over the fact that they want their banker or CPA or insurance agent to look a certain way. If a clean shaven, short hair guy image is the one the company wants to portray then you're not going to get the job. It stinks but it's true.

I hate to say this but you might want to consider shaving for your interviews, or maybe getting your hair cut a bit shorter. I guess it's what is most important at this time. If you have a job already then there's no need to change your look. If you really need a job badly then you might want to consider some changes to your outward appearance.

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